Penara’s Grand Slam


Anca =HD A
Gomito =ED 0
Oculopatie ereditarie =negativo
Dentatura =dentizione corretta e completa
Mielopatia degenerativa esone 2 =N/N
Cistinuria =N/N
Penara\’s Grand Slam Red Hot Cyrus At Elkens Oakdales Dunbar At Penara Little River Redheaded Stranger Ch Keepsake Cajun
Little River Strawberry Fields
Windfall\’s Redbuds Of Oakdale Hennings Mill Hunt Club Foxy
Windfall\’s Keepsake Rosebud
Penara\’s Shall We Dance? Ch Tabatha\’s Glacieridge Sumac Ch Tabatha\’s Hunterleigh Timber
Ch Tabatha\’s Locket
Penara\’s Punkin Pie Penara\’s Rocket Science
Kelleygreens Cinnamon Teal
Penara\’s Corn Fed Girl Laurkim\’s Ring Of Fire Penara\’s Blackfork Amazin Cajun Tate Oakdales Dunbar At Penara
Penara\’s Amazin\’Maizey
Blacklick Laurkim New Day Blacklick\’s Copper Top
Blacklick\’s Red Dawn
Penara\’s Riverbottom Ruby Red Ruby Penara\’s Rocket Science Ch Lobuff\’s Bare Necessities Cd Jh
Ridge View Checkered Flag
Briarwood\’s Ready Or Not Penara\’s Without Warning
Ch Briarwood\’s Glamour Girl
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